Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"The Birds"

So what did you think about Sunday's throwback to an Afred Hitchcock cinematic classic? Still a spooky concept for me- birds just going crazy- getting pecked to near death, definitely not a way I want to go. first and foremost I give many props to the musical selection of the opening scene.. the song appropriated titled "You belong to Me", only emphasizes the possession the owner, Gavin Doran, has on his tenants. One thing that I'm sick of seeing is the constant 'publicity', so to speak, of men or women not being able to control themselves and stay faithful. And men wonder why some women are complete cynics on the thought that a man could ever turn down a woman putting herself on that silver platter. Either way, I digress; What are your thoughts on Louise and her adulterer husband? This episodes main focus was on the murmuration of starlings in the walls of The Drake. ::Enter:: kleptomaniac Nona who suggests that Jane doesn't mess with the birds. And who is Nona? Is she a prophet that sees the unfortunate endings of the tenants of The Drake? I guess we shall see with episodes to come. Jane learns more about the building, from the birds to a murder that she psychically dreams about before learning it was real. Did the laundry scene freak anyone else out.. would you have sat up and folded your laundry if you woke up and forgot it? And why did Henry not get up and go get it? All I'm wondering is who put the laundry there? We learn a little bit more about the roll Henry may play for Gavin. At first I was under the impression that Henry would be tricked and seduced into the Dark Side of things but we learn at the end of episode 2 that he could be a "hero" so to speak and is perfect for whatever Gavin is brewing. I hope future episodes delve deeper into some of the supernatural history that The Drake possesses or at least gives us some more background on the tenants and staff of 999 Park Avenue.


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